Friday, April 30, 2010

Today I ran for almost a mile. 1 mile!!!! I know that there are millions of people in the world who can do that without even breaking a sweat, but for me that's significant. Granted it was on a treadmill, and yes, I was going pretty slow, but a month ago at that pace I was dying after 1 1/2 minutes. I'm going to enjoy my little victories as they come :)


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dear YMCA: Puh-LEASE turn up the air conditioning in the work out gym! Remember how yesterday it was 84 degrees? Remember how we live in a desert? Never mind that I'm surrounded by darling, retired men who walk at a very slow pace and don't break a sweat. I'm starting to look like a hot mess after 1/2 a mile. How about it, neighborhood YMCA?!


Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Monday, April 26, 2010

Today was CRAZY so the only time I had to run was at 7:30 tonight. The sun was just starting to go down behind the houses, there was a cool breeze, and I knew that within 1/2 an hour I would become a shadow to people going by in cars. It was PERFECT. I hate it when people can see how much I struggle :)


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Amy had asked if this was getting any easier and I have to say yes and no. Getting up and actually doing it has gotten a lot easier. Before it was a mental argument when the alarm went off, but that's not as common anymore. In fact, there have been some days when I even look forward to it.

On the flipside, the actual running part is NOT enjoyable yet. I'm starting (literally) from scratch so it's mostly a walking/running combination with a lot more walking than running. When I know it's time to start running again I mostly dread it. I'm giving myself a good 6 months before I expect to see changes. Hopefully it happens before then!

As for my progress, I'm a little bit behind but I know that if I didn't start out slow that I wouldn't want to go through with it. I'm hoping that when this becomes easier and more enjoyable that I will want to increase my distance towards the end. I still have my momentum and I still look forward to the end results.


Friday, April 23, 2010


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Getting up today was HARD....but I got up....


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Today I wasn't feeling it so I decided to walk instead of run. Ironically my time wasn't that much longer than when I do the run/walk combination. Shame! Still, I went for my 3 mile loop, grabbed Jack, and took him on the 1.5 mile loop. I'm exercised...he's's a good way to start the day!


Monday, April 19, 2010

This morning I went running at 5:30 so that I would have time to get ready and be at work by 8:00. I loved how chilly it was when I started and how everything seemed to wake up once the sun peeked over the mountains. It was delightful. The morning, that is. Not so much the running. That part still sucks!


Saturday, April 17, 2010

For whatever reason when I went out today I was HOT!! I couldn't seem to cool down, and even walking a slower pace and going on the sidewalk with the most shade didn't help. When I got home I drank some water and decided to lay on the hammock in my backyard. Perfect. There was a cool breeze, I pulled it into the shade, and it was like a 360 degree fan blowing from all sides. Love, love, LOVE the hammock. Special thanks to Linda and Dormisha for the awesome goodbye gift!


Friday, April 16, 2010

This week was rough. I started a new job, I'm still working at the old one, and I spent a day sick and unable to leave a bathroom for more than 3-5 minutes at a time. Shame. Needless to say, I'm going to have to make up for miles missed this week. It's a good thing I have an entire year!!


Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I'm trying to take advantage of perfect weather right now, so my plan is to do my 3 miles in the morning and then the 1.5 mile loop with Jack when I get home. Win-win situation. Plus, it'll make up for those days when I wake up and just don't want to do it. I'm anticipating a few of those....

Saturday, April 10, 2010

So I've discovered over the last couple of days that when you exercise in humid places that you sweat...a lot! I'm not a fan of humid climates and I can't stand the feeling of sweat. Give me a dry desert with air-conditioning any day!

Meanwhile, I'm still struggling with the running, even at a slow pace, but a week after I began I can see the tiniest little bit of improvement. It's reassuring.


Friday, April 9, 2010

I'm in Oregon visiting my sister this weekend so I'm taking advantage of the little gym in her apartment complex. Plus Side: Treadmills with Televisions (love, love, LOVE them). Minus side: Too short of socks that caused a big blister on my heel. It made for a shorter adventure this morning.


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Today I went to Red Rock Running Company to get a new pair of shoes. They put you on this treadmill to have you run, and then record how your feet land, if your foot rolls when you land, etc.. He used terms I don't really understand, but when all was said and done there were 3 pairs of shoes that worked with my 'run.' I would try a different shoe on each foot and go outside and run a bit to see which was most comfortable. Then narrow it down to two, run again, then to one, try both on, and run again. When i decided which shoe worked best I went back to the treadmill to have it recorded again. I was tired and sweaty by the time it was done, but I came out of the store with these fun shoes! Can't wait to give them a try tomorrow morning!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Today was a rough day. My legs felt like bricks, my chest hurt from labored breathing, and I have a blister on the pad of my toe. Tomorrow I'm going to be taking it easy and letting myself rest. We'll be back on board Thursday!


Monday, April 5, 2010

I read somewhere yesterday that running is mind over matter. That when you think you can't run any more that you need to focus on something else and forget about how much it hurts. I did that this morning (slowly) and found myself running for 5 minute intervals. It sort of made me excited. I'm not looking forward to my runs yet, but I DO look forward to seeing a tiny bit of improvement with each time I go.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

I'm not going to exercise on Sunday like I do the rest of the week, but I need to take my dog out regardless what day it is. There's a 1 1/2 mile loop we follow so even though I'm not actually running, I'm still going to count it. It'll take him on a power walk. Jack HATES power walks! He'd rather be sleeping or curled up next to you, chewing on a toy. This will be good for both of us.


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Right now I hurt EVERYWHERE.....and it hurts to do EVERYTHING. Getting up this morning was pretty hard - I'm not gonna lie.

993 MILES TO GO.....

Friday, April 2, 2010

This is the chain of conversation I held with myself this morning as I was fighting against my urge to stay in bed:

5:30: Ugh, it's too early - just 6 more minutes.

5:57: Whoops, it's almost 6:00! But it's so warm.....Did I hear the heater come on last night? I wonder how cold it is outside. Wow, I'm a lot more sore than I thought I would be. I worked out harder than I thought yesterday.

6:02: Jack's all snuggled up against me. I don't want to get up! I wonder if I should take him to work with me today. Bleh, we shouldn't have eaten all that French food last night. It feels like a rock in the bottom of my stomach. Come on, Megann, get up! You can't quit on day two! But just 6 more minutes.

6:27: Did my alarm go off again? Why didn't I hear it?! Crap! It's almost 6:30......

ps...I made it to the gym....996 MILES TO GO

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 1

1. I'm not in as bad of shape as I thought I was. Admittedly I was huffing and puffing on that treadmill, and grateful I was in the front row so nobody would see how RED and blotchy my face looked, but I didn't want to throw up or die. I guess being in the habit of walking really fast everywhere you go has its advantages!
2. I'm starting things slow so I don't end up hating what I'm trying to love. I only did 2 miles today, and the majority of it was walking long distances between short runs, but I'm okay with that. I'll stick with this for a week and then up it 10%. Slow and steady wins the race!
3. Whichever inventor decided to put those two little fans directly in the face of the treadmill deserves a GOLD star! There is nothing better than being all hot and sweaty, and discovering that a push of a button sends small amounts of continuous air directly to my face. It was glorious!
4. I'm already a big fan of the YMCA. When I got there I was met with a small handfull of retired and middle aged men and women who looked like normal people. I always felt so out of place at the gym. Plus, as I was getting that sanitary spray stuff to wipe down my machine with, this darling little man (probably in his early 70's) congratulated me on a great workout. Sort of like the Walmart greeter, but different. It took everything in me not to hug him!

998 MILES TO GO......