Saturday, April 10, 2010

So I've discovered over the last couple of days that when you exercise in humid places that you sweat...a lot! I'm not a fan of humid climates and I can't stand the feeling of sweat. Give me a dry desert with air-conditioning any day!

Meanwhile, I'm still struggling with the running, even at a slow pace, but a week after I began I can see the tiniest little bit of improvement. It's reassuring.



amydear said...

Good for you! I'm glad you're keeping at it, even on vacation. But I'm sad I'm not seeing you this weekend.

Tara said...

I'm so proud of you for doing this! Remember the commitment you had in Taiwan? I do. You were a star.

The question is, are you running with shoes? My friend read that book, Born to Run and now runs with very flat soled shoes.

I'm inspired.